Ophir Platform Lift and Mooring Analysis with Asian Hercules II

SPT Offshore has commissioned Orca Offshore to perform all the naval architectural analysis for the Ophir WHP project. The Ophir WHP project concerns the installation of a suction pile founded wellhead jacket and topside east of Malaysia. The Jacket will be transported on a cargo barge and will be lifted, upended and lowered onto the seabed using the Asian Hercules II operated by Boskalis.

The scope of work for Orca Offshore included;

  1. Jacket and Topside Marine Transport Analysis
  2. Asian Hercules II In-field Mooring Design and Analysis
  3. Static Jacket Upend Analysis
  4. Jacket Dynamic Lift & Upend Analysis
  5. Topside Dynamic Lift Analysis

The various stages of the transport and installation of this platform has been analysed using MOSES from Bentley utilising the Orca Offshore developed analysis procedures.

NEWS 12 April 2017: Ophir platform installed

SPT has successfully installed the Ophir platform. Orca offshore congratulates SPT with this achievement and is proud to have contributed to this challenging project.

SPT Offshore website

12 April 2017



Our client:

SPT Offshore




Jacket Load-out

Topside Load-out

Topside Lift