Windplanblauw – Workability Analysis

Ballast Nedam has commissioned Orca Offshore to perform workability analysis for the work barges for the Windplan Blauw foundation installation project. Windplan Blauw is a project by SwifterwinT and Vattenfall: a wind farm in the municipalities of Dronten and Lelystad, where 24 turbines will be installed in the water of the IJsselmeer.

The scope of work for Orca Offshore included;

  1. Modeling of several crane barge combinations with spud piles.
  2. Perform Dynamic motion Analysis
  3. Determine allowable seastates based on operational limits of the combinations
  4. General consultancy work
  5. Resolve comments Marine Warranty Surveyor

The various stages of the work done with each combination has been analyzed using MOSES from Bentley utilizing the Orca Offshore developed analysis procedures.


Our client:

Ballast Nedam



Work in Progress

Pre-Lift situation


Offshore Operational Decision